Core Values
Tordan Healthcare pledge that through partnership we will work with you, for you; and through professionalism, reliability and honesty achieve quality, dignity and respect
In order to achieve this we have drawn upon the fundamental core values of which our service revolves around;
Safe, people are protected from abuse and avoidable harm
Effective, peoples care, support that achieves positive outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and is evidence-based where possible
Caring, treating everyone with dignity, respect, compassion, kindness, integrity
Responsive meeting people’s needs, listening, encouraging feedback responding to and learning from concerns, complaint, compliments continuously improving quality of our service through policies, procedures and working practices.
Honesty and integrity, we listen to each client and work positively with you to maximise your strengths, goals, aspirations and life style choices.
Tordan Healthcare realises that internal values have a direct impact on the service users, clients and care professionals upon whom it depends. These values are important and the Tordan Healthcare team therefore pledges the following