Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy
Tordan Healthcare is committed to environmental best practice through all aspects of the company. We will endeavour to minimise the environmental impact of our healthcare activities. This will be undertaken through the identification and implementation of environmentally responsible policies, procedures and working practices.
Tordan Healthcare believes that sound environmental practices are a key factor in demonstrating effective corporate management. We seek to educate employees, support workers and suppliers to act in an environmentally responsible manner.
Although Tordan Healthcare is primarily an office-based company, it recognises that its operations impact on the environment. The most significant environmental impacts that result from the operations are:
Energy and water consumption.
Air emissions.
Waste generation e.g. paper and plastics.
Indirect environmental impacts resulting from the purchasing of goods and services, such as paper and ink cartridges.
Tordan Healthcare has implemented a number of environmental initiatives, including:
Office recycling system, recycling paper, plastic and ink cartridges.
Minimising paper consumption, waste production and aim to work paper free where ever possible.
Creating a data base in which all data is recorded electronically, thus reducing paper wastage.
Sensory lighting automatically turning on and off when entering and leaving the office.
Turning off of all electrical equipment (with exception of fax machines) at the end of each day.
Support workers are discouraged from travelling long distances to work by providing local work opportunities thus minimising their use of vehicles and reducing travel cost.
In particular, Tordan Healthcare is aware of the benefits of minimising the production of waste products and accordingly promotes best practice in this area.
Furthermore, Tordan Healthcare always considers environmental issues when choosing printed items and where possible utilises the most environmentally sound products wherever there is no significant business disadvantage in their use.
Tordan Healthcare makes use of a range of natural and man-made resources where possible. It appreciates the environment benefits that flow from a reduction in the consumption of these resources. The company therefore considers options for reducing consumption, with the particular aim of reducing its consumption of paper through efficiency improvements, recycling and through the increased use of technology.